Washoe Little League has a great opportunity for teenagers 13 and up to earn a little bit of money and fill a need that we, as a youth baseball organization, desperately need filled. Umpires are in short supply in our area. No games can go without umpires and it is our experience that most coaches...
CLICK HERE for the Schedule and see below for additional information on how to order pictures. Picture Day is Coming Soon! Washoe Little League April 4th-8th 2022 Prepay Code: WashoeLittleLeague22 To preview package options and prepay online, CLICK HERE
WLL Families – On Saturday April 2nd, we will have our Opening Day to celebrate our 63rd season at Washoe Little League! It will be our first Opening Day since 2019 and we have a lot to celebrate. Please join us for pancake breakfast, games, bounce houses, hitting raffle, ceremony, T-Mobile Home Run Derby, and lots of...
See the below links for our tryout schedules for this weekend. All tryouts will be at our Baseball Fields at the South Valley’s Regional Park. Everyone should park in the Northern Parking Lot (just follow the road down around the fields). Baseball Tryout Schedule – tryouts are at the Washoe Little League Fields at the...
I love the game of baseball. I would’ve taken a sandlot Saturday over anything else as a kid. I’ve stood in the crowd at the World Series and marveled at the roar of 50,000 fans. I quote Field of Dreams and Bob Ueker almost every day. There is nothing like the slick hands of a shortstop and the painted...